(傳)張瑀 文姬歸漢圖 吉林博物館藏
Iconological Study in Pictures of Wang Zhao Jun and Cai Yan
There can be three instances where female figures will be portrayed in paintings. One will be drawing a specific person of interest, secondly the drawing of an unknown beauty and the third will be painting a fictional character or a historical figure.
Wang Zhao Jun, Cai Wen Ji and Yang Gui Fei were the painters’ favorites out of all the female figures. These three famous women had remarkable backgrounds and they had spurned much controversy thus they were often the topic in several literary works.
This article aims to use the images and colophons for Wang Zhao Jun and Cai Wen Ji as an example for discussions on the scenario of overlapping images. The article further elaborates on how people from the ancient times added feelings as another element to interpret their paintings. This element would subsequently create a moral indicator for “appreciating the beauty”.